How to download your Strava data (Free)

This article will go over how to find and download all your strava data. Strava is an exercise app that tracks and logs your various activities. Strava can be used for running, biking, swimming, surfing, canoeing and much more. The app allows easy use and tracking for each activity and provides clear data about performance such as pace, heart rate, distance, etc. 

Where to find your Strava Data

If you have created an account with Strava, downloaded the app and recorded at least one activity then you have access to the data Strava has collected. 

Strava allows all users to request the archived data, and download it for personal use. This is done by requesting the data on the Strava website via your account settings. This cannot be done through the mobile app unfortunately.

Steps to Request Data

Go to Stravas website and login

Navigate to your account settings within your Strava account 

Next, click on “My Account” then scroll down to the “Download or Delete Your Account” section  and click on “Get Started”

We are not deleting the account, this is just the place that Strava has put the request data button. 

In the second section on this page “Download Request (optional)” click on “Request Your Archive”

The archive is then sent to your email associated with your Strava account. This can take a couple hours depending on how much data you are requesting. 

Once you have received the email from Strava, it will look something like this. 

Then you can click “Download Archive” and that will trigger a .zip folder to be downloaded. 

What is in my Strava Data archive? 

The data archive consists of many files in CSV and GPX format from various activities, account settings, and information Strava has on you. This data depends on the activity you have completed while using the app. For example if you are using the app for running, then you have data collected for running, not swimming. 

After you have downloaded the compressed .zip folder containing your data. You will need to extract the folder. Once extracted you will have access to all of Stravas data on you and can use it freely. 

Check out my post on using my Strava to track my running performance here. 

How often can I request my data?

Each user can request their data once a week. This is the limit for a free Strava account. 

What can you do with your Strava Data

Since you have access to all the data that Strava has, you cam use this data to track performance, see what data the company has on you, and created more custom data visualization. Ultimately gaining more control of your personal data, and giving you a chance to use it yourself.

Thanks for reading!

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